UNOFFICIAL Kodachrome Developing Technique – 2022
The Third Time Is NOT The Charm! Yes, you CAN develop KODACHROME film at home… as black and white negatives. Is the third time the

How to use a LIGHT METER and the myLightMeter Pro App
The 18% Solution! A review and walkthrough of the myLightMeter app by David Quiles, available for iPhone and Android. This app is great for film

STREET PHOTOGRAPHY – Mamiya C220 medium format FILM camera and Washi F 120 film
I’ve Got A Ticket To Ride… Riding the Amtrak Blue Water train from Port Huron to Michigan State University in East Lansing to do medium format

DIY Negative Film Scanner! How to use a digital camera to copy negatives
Woodworking AND Photography! Showing and demonstrating my homemade DIY film negative “scanner” for copying negatives. I’ve been copying my film negatives with a plywood box
Merry Christmas and channel update. Where have I been?
Health Update A brief update about this channel and why I haven’t posted any videos in a few weeks. Thank you all for your support.
Mamiya C220 120 Film Photography with Kodak Plus-X Pan Film
Out & About With The Mamiya C220 Using the Mamiya C220 Professional Twin Lens Reflex TLR camera for an Autumn B&W film photography photoshoot. Loading