DIY Negative Film Scanner! How to use a digital camera to copy negatives

Woodworking AND Photography! Showing and demonstrating my homemade DIY film negative “scanner” for copying negatives. I’ve been copying my film negatives with a plywood box I made to hold the negatives and then using my Fujifilm X-E3 mirrorless camera and Mieke extension tubes to copy. Whilst not as good as a dedicated film scanner, this […]

Merry Christmas and channel update. Where have I been?

Health Update A brief update about this channel and why I haven’t posted any videos in a few weeks. Thank you all for your support.  Sincere best wishes for a joyous Holiday Season. Tiny Tim said it best: “A Merry Christmas to us all; God bless us, every one!”

Mamiya C220 120 Film Photography with Kodak Plus-X Pan Film

Out & About With The Mamiya C220 Using the Mamiya C220 Professional Twin Lens Reflex TLR camera for an Autumn B&W film photography photoshoot. Loading Kodak Plus-X Pan 120 B&W film into the Mamiya C220 camera and photographing four different locations. See ALL my videos about the Mamiya C220 HERE Or watch THIS VIDEO to […]

The Good, The Bad, And The Bokeh

A true western vintage lens shootout! I squint my way through three different comparisons between the Minolta Rokkor 55mm f/1.7 and the Canon PF 55mm f/1.2. Both lenses date from the 1970’s and present unique character and rendering.  This video was a blast to put together. I had a great time riffing the Classic Sergio […]

Lewinner Wireless Mic for iPhone

My review and demonstration of the Lewinner Wireless Microphone for the iPhone. This is a great little system for vloggers using an iPhone. It’s a small and unobtrusive wireless mic with surprisingly good sound! It has a great range (spoiler: up to 20 yards with no loss of signal) and is super convenient! It has […]

I Crashed My Drone!

It eventually happens to everyone who flies a drone. I hit a tree and crashed my DJI Mavic Mini pretty spectacularly! I was flying in Beard’s Hills getting some b-roll for my vintage lens shootout video: The Good, The Bad, And The Bokeh, but on that day I experienced The Good, The Bad, And The […]

Macro Mamiya!

Early autumn film photography with the Mamiya C200 twin lens reflex (TLR) camera. Photographing mushrooms, ferns, and more using the Mamiya C200 Twin Lens Reflex camera. Black and white photos using 120 Fomapan 200 film, developed in HC-110 developer. Look here for The ULTIMATE Guide To The Mamiya C220

Reviewing the Samtian AL81 LED Video Pocket Light

Reviewing and testing a small LED pocket light, the Samtian LED Video Conference Light. Model AL81 I give a quick rundown on this light including the included accessories. This is a USB C rechargeable pocket light with 2500K-6500K variable color temperature. This would be a great light for a YouTube vlogger using a phone as […]

How to load and unload film into a 35mm camera – Olympus OM-1

A quick video demonstration of how to load and unload film into a 35mm camera – Olympus OM-1.  See the OM-1 in action shooting Kodachrome film Here’s info about using Washi F Film in the Olympus OM-1  And some Experimental Redscale Photography with the OM-1

The ULTIMATE Mamiya C220 Overview & Walkthrough

Mamiya C220 Professional TLR Medium Format Film Camera In the tutorial video linked below, I do a complete walkthrough and show you everything about the Mamiya C220 Professional Twin Lens Reflex (TLR) medium format film photography camera. The Mamiya C220 Professional is a fully manual medium format camera with interchangeable lenses. Mamiya offered the C220 […]

Testing The Samtian SR-360 LED light kit

This LED cheap video lighting kit is an excellent option for YouTube creators, or anyone needing an inexpensive and versatile set of LED panel lights. You can check them out here: Samtian did send me these lights at no cost to test and review. I mostly liked them and do list the couple issues […]

What To See In Paradise (Michigan)

Anniversary In Paradise! We travel across the Mackinac Bridge to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula to Paradise, Michigan to see the Tahquamenon Falls, the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum at Whitefish Point, and more. We have a cheeseburger in Paradise at the Wheelhouse Diner, and breakfast at the famous Java Joe’s in St. Ignace. This is a companion […]